El website de la revista Wired versión UK a publicado un artículo sobre el lanzamiento del proyecto AVE, realizado por +rehabstudio para el cual realicé los trabajos de diseño de portada:
A “social network” for former violent extremists and their victims has launched with the backing of a consortium of partners including Google Ideas, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), the Gen Next Foundation and Rehabstudio.
Against Violent Extremism (AVE) is an online platform (sure to be dubbed a “Facebook for terrorists”) where former extremists (known as “formers”) and survivors of attacks can share their experiences, with the view to help other individuals leave or avoid falling into violent extremist groups.
The site — which was built by Rehabstudio — also provides a matchmaking services for those who need help and those those have money, time and expertise.
Read the full article in Wired magazine